N21. Hero dough. 29.32.-.34.36.
The hero hero is made of dough (named "Testo").
Nogais, Turks, Chuvash, Bashkirs, Kazan Tatars, Maris, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Uighurs, Siberian Tatars, Buryats, Central (?) central (?) Yakuts.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Nogais [the woman rolled out the dough (reeds), covered it with a tablecloth, and when she took it off, the boy Kamyr Batyr was there; he grew up, took a horse from his father, went on a journey; meets, takes in companions of several dhows, each says he is not amazing, but K.; one pulls trees, the other throws rocks, the third drinks the sea; they put up a hut, cook one by one; a rider as tall as an inch, a 40-inch beard eats everything, ties the cook with its hair; when K.'s turn, he tied the dwarf between the trees; he uprooted them, the trail led to the well, K. descended on a silk rope; there three daughters of a dwarf, one gave K. strong water, he killed a dwarf, sent the girls upstairs, his companions threw a rope; K. came to the old man; he teaches him to sit on a white ram, but K. accidentally sat on a black sheep, he threw it even lower; below, the old man advises killing Azdag, which eats the chicks of the Caracus bird, which will take it to the ground; K. killed Azdag, the chicks hid it; the wind rose (from the wings of the mother bird), with the sky fell icy tiny (her tears); the bird tells me to cook meat and water for 9 months; K. cut off the last piece from the thigh; the bird swallowed it and spit it it out healthy; K. executed treacherous satellites, took the girls]: Kapaev 2012:209-218; Turks [the motive is known]: Barag 1988:418.
Volga - Perm. Chuvashi: Grigoriev 1971 [an old woman makes her son out of dough, this is Chusta Patar ("hero dough"); he goes to travel; frees Yuman Patar and Tar-Patar from oak and osokor; a dwarf with a huge every time he eats food with a beard, hits the cook; C. ties him with his beard to a tree, he breaks down; C. goes down into the dungeon, Yu and T. untie the chain; in the copper palace, the girl teaches him to replace the tubs with the living and dead water, the three-headed serpent is defeated; in silver - 6, in gold 9-headed; the serpent holds water, C. kills it; hides the eagles under the grass, the three-headed serpent does not find them, flies away; the eagle takes C. to the ground; when the meat runs out, C. gives her flesh, the eagle heals it; he kills Yu and T., marries]: 78-89; Eisin 1993 [old people have no children; the sorcerer advises making the child out of dough; he came to life, grew up quickly, this is Chusta batyr ("chusta" means "dough"); he went on a journey, hears a voice from an oak tree, then from an osokor asking him to be released; C. broke trees, Yuman Batyr ("oak") and Tar-batyr ("osokor") came out; all three they stopped in a house, took turns cooking; an old man with an elbow with a planted beard hits the cook, eats the bull; when C. remains, he tied the old man with his beard to a tree; he cut off his beard and ran away; three companions came to another house, there was a lost princess; came to a hole in the dungeon; C. began to descend, the satellites untied the chain; in the underworld there is a copper palace, the girl tells me to change the tubs from With strong and weak water, C. killed a three-headed serpent; the same in silver (six-headed) and golden palaces (nine-headed serpent); C. came to the village where the serpent is not allowed to enter the water; C. killed the snake, asks people for help get out; they advise you to go to the tree on which the eagle; C. hid the eagles, covering the nest with turf, the snake that arrived did not find it; the eagle orders to prepare water and meat; the last piece of C. cut off his leg ; the eagle belched him and put him back; Yu and T. are still arguing over the girl; C. killed them and married a girl]: 282-289; Bashkirs [the fisherman caught a shining colorful fish; she ordered to feed him give her sons the meat of her sons to drink blood, give the bones to the dogs; the old man was surprised: he had no sons; when he came home, his wife offered him two boys: she sculpted them out of dough and they came to life; when the boys ate the fish, their heads were covered with the same gems as the fish itself; {it is later said that dogs that ate bones gave birth to puppies; horses are not mentioned, but it is obvious that mares gave birth to foals}; the eldest of the brothers was Kamar Batyr ("hero dough"); ordered his father to order a cast-iron club of 15 pounds for him; threw it up, put his head up - the club broke; ordered a heavier one - with it satisfied; left an arrow to his brother: if blood flows from it, trouble with him; I came to the old woman, she fed him poison, ate him, hung his head on the wall; the brother saw blood, went with the dogs on the trail of K.; in a girl in a hut, tells me not to eat what the old woman will offer; brother K. defeated the old woman, forced K. to revive, she collected the remains, poured water, K. came to life, killed the witch, left her brother her wealth and girlfriend, himself came to the city where the devil demands a girl every day; the princess's turn; K. killed the deva, put his head under a cast-iron barn, threw his torso into the sea, left; the court on guard forced the princess to name him the snake was the winner; K. came to the wedding feast in the guise of a beggar; sang, threw off his rags; the deceiver could not lift the barn to reach his head, he was executed; K. married the princess and inherited the throne]: Barag 1988, No. 15:116-120; Kazan Tatars [=Yarmukhametov 1957:10-13; =Zamaletdinov 2008a, No. 43:149-152; childless old man and old woman made a boy out of dough, he came to life, he was named Kamyr ("dough"); strong, maims peers; asks his father to order an iron club for the blacksmith, goes wandering; meets, takes as companions 1) a runner (walks with his legs tied), 2) clamping his nostrils with his fingers (if he blows, a storm will rise), 3) an old man with a hat on one ear (if he puts it on his head, a blizzard will rise), 4) a shooter (aims at a fly's eye 60 miles away), 5) another old man pouring mountains; K. marries Khan's daughter, that requires 1) to overtake the speedboat (the runner fell asleep, but the shooter woke him up with an arrow, the runner won); the khan tries to burn K. with his friends in the bathhouse (the old man put on his hat, it became cold); the khan lets soldiers blowing at K. he dispersed them, the old man poured a mountain over them; K. got a wife]: Bashirov, Yarmukhametov 1956:5-11; Marie [childless old man and old woman made their son out of dough (nönchyk), he came to life, became Nönchyk-patyr; he is told to gather guests, N. asks his husbands to come without wives; he was sent for his wives, he asks them to come without children; sent for children, he loads the children on the cart with a pitchfork; they decide to get rid of him, they send sheep to the far field; he brings wolves; bears instead of horses; brought a devil girl; his father tells him to leave; N. asks the blacksmith to forge a weight, throws it under the clouds; the one at 150 pounds, crashed on his head, withstood 200 pounds; N. met, took Tumo-patyr ("oak") and Kürtnö-patyr ("iron") with him; they take turns cooking; an old dwarf with a beard beards beats, eats cooks; N. hung him by the beard on a birch tree; he fell off, left; the boys reached the stone, under him a hole; T., K, afraid to go down, N. went down, there are three girls, they say that the father returned without beards, went to the bathhouse; N. killed the dwarf, burned it in the stove; sent the girls upstairs; when he got up himself, the companions cut off his belt; N. fell, going to the waist into the ground; grabbed the wolf's tail, he pulled it out; the old woman complains that the serpent closed the water, gives the princess's turn for the girls; N. killed the snake; the bird Arslan-Kayyk carried him to the ground; there T. wants to marry a girl from the ground; she recognized her ring, given N.; N. suggests shooting arrows up; T. and K.'s arrows pierced them, N.'s arrow went into oil; he began to live with his wife]: Tudorovskaya, Eman 1945:39-49; marie [{the text is literary processed, in places greatly distorted}; a childless old woman sculpts her son out of dough, he comes to life, becomes a Nenchyk-patyr (Hero from dough); neighbors complain that he maims other children in games; he goes wandering; wins, He takes Kurtne Patyr (Iron Hero), Pyunche-Patyr (Pine Hero) as companions; they take turns cooking; each time a dwarf with a long beard hits and eats the cook; NP himself wraps his beard around a pine tree; he breaks down, goes into a hole in the ground; there three-headed Azhdakh has three kidnapped girls; three heroes follow; NP throws a dwarf into the lake, he turns into a tornado; Azhdaha is going to eat eagle chicks, three heroes fight them, almost die; the chicks ask their mother for help, because the heroes tried to save them from Azhdakh; Azhdakha is killed, the eagle takes everyone to the ground]: Aktsorin 1984:23-55.
Turkestan. Kazakhs: Tursunov 1983 [Tobyktai leaves for three months; if his wife does not give birth to a child during this time, he will take another one; she makes a boy figure out of the dough, he comes to life, his name is Nanbergen (nan -" bread"); T. collects all women whose apple will be taken by N., his mother; he takes it from his mother's hands; grows up to be a hero; goes to the Shurkandy mountains, where Temir Batyr and Su-Batyr live ("iron", "water"); they named it Nan batyr; friends take turns cooking; the old man is an inch tall, with a seven-inch beard, beats the cook; N. tied him by the beard to a birch tree; he uprooted it, went into a crack in the ground; N. went down on the arcana, cut down bearded men, released the prisoners and the girl; she was picked up first, the lasso was cut off, N. fell, the doctor cured him; he went to the ground, killed T. and S., took the released girl as his wife]: 93-98; Coyaud 2012, No. 94 (Xinjiang) [Tobykbey is leaving for three months; if his wife does not have a child during this time, he will take another one; she makes a boy figure out of the dough, he comes to life, his name is Nanbatyr (nan -" bread"); T. gathers all the women whose apple will be taken by N., his mother; he takes it from his mother's hands; grows up to be a hero; finds out that Timur-Batyr and Su-batyr ("iron", "water") live in the Shurkandy mountains, comes to him; they hunt together, cook one by one; a thin old man with a long gray beard breaks in, wins the cook, eats everything; when N. stays, he pinched the dwarf's beard in the poplar; he pulled out the poplar, left ; friends jumped to a hole in the ground; N. was lowered on a rope, a dozen of the same dwarfs were drinking below, N. killed them, broke the iron door, freed hundreds of prisoners cooked by dwarfs for food; went on, killed that first dwarf, freeing the girl; her companions pulled her out and threw the rope; N. saw how the crippled ant recovered, did the same {it is not said whether the ant ate any grass or drank water}; N. got to the ground; learned from the shepherd that T. and S. did not feed the kidnapped girl, they wanted to make her a wife; N. cut off T. and S.'s heads, brought the girl to their parents' house]: 241-247; Kyrgyz [The childless old woman kneaded the dough, asks God to turn the dough into a baby; the dough has turned into a boy Giant dough; he is strong, goes to wander; meets, takes Toolton (strongman) as his companions, Suusulpana (he will stop the river with his palm), Ayalpana (hitting a stone against a stone, he can kill all the animals in the mountains at once); they take turns cooking; an old woman comes with an iron nose, asks for coals, eats meat, beats cook; when it's the Giant's turn, he hits her with an iron staff, the old woman disappeared into the cave, he's behind her, there are three kidnapped Khan's daughters, he kills the old woman, returns to his companions, suggests that each took a girl; his companions want to kill him and take all three, but the Giant Test drives them away; brings the girls to the khan, gets the throne, gets married]: Ledenev 1987:113-115; Uighurs [motive known] : Barag 1988:418.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Siberian Tatars (Yalutorov, Tyumen Oblast) [childless spouses pray to Allah to send them a son; the old man tells him to make his son out of dough, he comes to life, he is Kamyr Batyr; he grows up, grabs the hands of other boys painfully, the father tells him to go on a journey; he meets, wins, companions Temir batyr, Bakir Batyr ("iron hero", "copper hero"); they settled in a house in the forest, cook in turn; the bearded dwarf comes, eats everything; when K. remains, he has enough, ties him by the beard to a tree; the dwarf cut off his beard, went down the hole; the twins found three beauties and jewelry stolen by the dwarf, each took a wife, a larger dwarf did not see]: Tomilov 1995:153-155; Buryats [motive known]: Barag 1988:418.
Eastern Siberia. Central (?) Yakuts (place of recording not specified, meeting I. Dedyukin) [an old man and an old woman live on the outskirts of a big city; the old woman finds a boy in the dough, calls Testo Bogatyr; he meets a strongman, whom the tsar ordered to tear up stumps, level ravines and mountains; the second, who is told to punish people with rods; the heroes take turns cooking; an old man with a hundred inches of beard, one inch tall, eats cooked meat from Punishment and the Mountain; the dough himself ties him to a pole by the beard; he breaks down, goes into the gorge; the dough descends on the rope; the dying bearded man gives him two daughters; the brothers lift them up; when the dough is picked up, the rope breaks off; The dough meets five daring men (an archery, a runner with a sensitive sense of smell, a subtle ear, drinking the sea); they go to marry the daughter of the King Worm; the runner overtakes her, falls asleep, the shooter scratches his nose with an arrow; The king tries to burn them in a cast-iron barn, a drinking sea floods it with water; they kill Worm, Testo marries his daughter]: Sivtsev, Yerofeev 1990:122-127; Ergis 1967b, No. 194 (summary of two texts , registration locations are not specified; central?) [An old man finds a child made from dough. He grew up to be a powerful hero. They're sending him somewhere else. Heroes Haya and Nakaz join the Test Hero on the way. They all live in an empty city. A little old man with a long beard appears from the lower world and fights with heroes. The hero dough pursues him, descends into the lower world, takes the old man's daughters, and keeps him alive. The hero dough's comrades pull the girls upstairs and leave him in the lower world. The hero dough joins the heroes (runner, rumor, shooter and able to drink the sea). They go to marry the daughter of the insect king. They are saved thanks to a hero who can drink any amount of water. They kill the insect king, the hero dough marries his daughter]: 210.