N27. Bird's milk. .15.16.27.-.34.
Bird milk (variant: chicken, pigeon, hawkish, etc.) milk is mentioned in fairy tales, riddles, paroemias and conspiracies as something very rare and difficult to obtain or non-existent actually.
Latins, Germans (Warsaw), Ancient Greece, Moldovans, Arumanians, Albanians, Bulgarians, Ancient Greece, Greeks, Poles, Russian written tradition, Russians (Vladimir, Vologda, Samara), Western, Eastern and Northern Ukrainians (Galicia, Podolsk, Kiev, Kherson, Poltava, Volyn, Chernigov), Belarusians, Kumans ("Codex Cumanisus"), Crimean Tatars (Urums), Abkhazians, Kabardian, Karachays or Balkarians, Stavropol Turkmens, Ossetians, Kumyks, Avars, Lacks, Georgians, Megrelians, Svans, Azerbaijanis, Turks, Kurds, Persians (written tradition, Hamadan), Karelians, Veps, Estonians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Mari, Chuvash, Kazan Tatars, Bashkirs, Kazakhs (Chimbay, Xinjiang, incl. Eastern Tarbagatay), Karakalpaks, Kyrgyz, Uighurs (Kashgar), Shors, Baikal Buryats.
*E.N. Duvakin: The most accurate correspondences (not mentioning poultry milk as something rare, but a direct denial that poultry has milk) were recorded among Kazan Tatars, Turkmens and Kyrgyz. Moreover, the same Estonian, Lithuanian, Veps and Turkic texts also contain the "Roots of the Mountains" motif.
Southern Europe. Latins: Plin. Nat. Hist. Praef. ["Natural History" by Pliny the Elder (1st century): "There is a marvelous neatness in the titles given to books among the Greeks. One they entitled Keron, meaning Honeycomb; others called their work Karas, i.e. Horn of Plenty (so that you can hope to find a draught of hen's milk in the volume)" (trans. by H. Rackham)]: XXIV; Petr. Sat. ["Satyricon" by Petronius Arbitra (1st century): "And you can't think of him buying anything on the side: wool, oranges, peppers - everything grows at home; if you want bird's milk, you'll find it" (trans. A.K. Gavrilova); originally - lacte gallinaceum 'chicken milk']: XXXVIII.
Western Europe. Germans (Warsaw) ["Vün Vogelmilch is dort zü bekümmern", i.e. you can get whatever you want there {probably tracing paper from the Polish version}]: Wander 1876:1672 (quoted in Grigas 1987 : 209).
The Balkans. Ancient Greece: Aristoph. Vesp. ["Wasps" by Aristophanes (delivered in 422 BC); Philocleon: ndіn dіkγ: γω oδ n rnómitn γala/nti ti on earth; "Yes, of course! Zeus is a witness! Bird's milk/Don't drink me, just let me live as I live now!" (per. Piotrovsky)]: 508-509; Aristoph. Aves. [The Birds by Aristophanes (staged in 414 BC); 1) choir: <... > llah parontes dosomen μn/atos, paa syn, pādōn paisin, /plaucigian/ eðaι moniana beron/ noota galota ko& #961; os kala/ğalaa trnatohn. stti parastai/kopin μn tn n γ α n:/otω plotzeti; "No, we will send you with you and you, and your kids and children's children/Peace, wealth, health, careless life, /Round dances and holidays, youth, laughter, /Milk, not heifers, but birds! /Good luck and joy will make you sick, people, /Before that, you will be happy!" (per. A.I. Piotrovsky); 2) Pisfeter Hercules: tu dõnΩ kucñas akeian βl ; pōn;/lla-n meţμn, kathastsas s ; γ/ tranon paraω soi γ & #940; λ; "Why are you looking at the sky? Do your hands itch? /Be our friend! I'll appoint you vicero/I'll appoint you. I'll give you bird milk" (trans. Piotrovsky)]: 729-731, 1671-1673; Strab. [Strabo's "Geography" (c. 64/63 BC - ca. 23/24 A.D.) <οὖν>: Perra mn oν at the same time, tu dllaa ehdāmūn, ; dalon k te te perimuton gansqaa kα k ta ta ta painonta mukñon φ armutin atn lagoosana paroimiaν tea tea kārnmitn γalaa, kapep & # 949; ρ tea tea {fr. 880 K.-A.} φø; "Thus, when it comes to wines, Samos is not particularly lucky enough; otherwise, it is a blessed country, as can be seen from the fact that the island was often the cause of wars; moreover, the island's praises did not hesitate to apply it to it The saying that Samos "even has bird's milk", as Menander said somewhere" (trans. G.A. Stratanovsky)]: XIV.1.15; Diogenian. [Diogenian (2nd century) quotes the expression γlaα rnatωn ('bird's milk') from Eupolis's comedy (second half of V) c. BC)]: II. 15 = Eupol. Fr. 411 (Storey 2011:262-263); Luc. De merc. cond. ["On Salaried Philosophers" by Lucian Samosatsky (2nd century): Kekrutkas on, Mukarie, κ α 8182; naa elofas tn Skrdeomi kropolin kaθ Rhikas, kaeis ts Maltaeas karα s kāmūlāis rnatōğ γ α; "So, you have overcome, lucky man, and laid the wreath of an Olympic winner. No, more than that: you took Babylon, you took possession of the fortress of Sard, from now on you will have an amalfein cornucopia in your hands, and bird's milk will flow into your windowsill" (trans. N.P. Baranova)]: 13; Ath. Deipn. ["The Feast of the Wise Men" by Athenaeas (II-III centuries): Monocas dn Philippp d& #954; αotis stn ts muostis kōμdāas p & #959; itn phosci· kah ti laghomeon, /spaniteρ on parastin rnəəla α, /kaa φaosι anas potyilamos kalas; "Mnesimah (this is also one of the poets of the Middle Comedy) writes in Philippe [Kock. II. 442]: "No, they say it is more rare in the world/Than bird's milk than you need/Plucked pheasant" (trans. N.T. Golinkevich)]: IX. 387a-b (cf. Ath. Deipn. [Nikandros dn ditor 963; in· n dh ta kana karathos βaths, n dti gia/petraon, sn dt ats pa& #965; cmueis scathiolos, /smureon sogkos ; e kanuğlógossos tis tis te· /sn karou δ rimea kataqio patla/δperer r & # 957; ios kalaa; "Nikander in the second book "George" writes [frag. 71 Schneider]: "There are tall stems among them, and roots/Rock parsley, and dog tongue/and chicory with them/Horse parsley, thistle thistle thistle and thin carrots; /It would be nice for you to crush aronnia/Biting leaves, because it's milk is called bird's" (trans. N.T. Golinkevich)]: IX. 371c); Moldovans [the girl became pregnant by smelling basil; gave birth to an old man in a cave; he gave the boy a broadsword and a club; gave the name Basili Fat-Frumos (B.); B. came to the palace, seven snakes attacked there, he hacked six, hit them with a club and locked them in a stone mortar in the closed room of the seventh; the witch Cloanza threw B.'s mother into the basement, took her form, rescued her son Snake; said if she is sick, you need bird's milk; B. came to Ilyana-Kosynzyan, she is the sister of the Sun, gives a 12-winged horse, which brings B. to a copper mountain where a terrible bird feeds its chicks with his milk; B. hid, served krinka, took away milk; K. asks for wild boar meat, B. brought; living and dead water; I. asks the Sun Brother, B. hears, brings water, the way back kills the 10-headed snake; I. replaced the water with the usual one; K. suggests B. try his hand, ties him with silk ropes, the snake chopped him, put the pieces in bags, tied him to the horse; the horse came to I., she folded the pieces, glued them together dead, revived them with living water; where it was not enough, replaced it with boar meat; gave bird's milk, B. gained strength, burned the snake and the witch, freed his mother, married I .]: Botezat 1981:147-157 (references to bird milk on pp. 149-151, 156); Aromanians, Greeks, Bulgarians, Albanians (Zaros) [the expression "you will even find poultry milk there) is known milk"]: Papahagi 1908, No. 408:163 (including the originals); Albanians [their three siblings are married to the Sun, Month and South; they decide to visit them; they spend the night three times, each time others sleep one brother guards; the elder killed the lamia, did not tell the brothers about it; the same middle brother; the youngest too, but the lamia managed to extinguish the fire with his tail; the young man sees the light in the distance, they go there; on the way he meets the mother of the night, asks her to prolong the darkness; she promises to do so, but he does not believe it and binds her; when he goes to the light source, he sees a huge cauldron with 12 ears on fire; picked it up, lit the torch, and put it in place; The 12 thieves are amazed by this force: they can only lift the cauldron together; they led the young man to rob the king; after breaking through the wall, they climbed into the stable; the young man stayed outside; raised the alarm, cut off the robbers heads as they got out; left his knife there; on the way back he freed the mother of the night; the king found the dead robbers and the knife; ordered a tavern where food was free, but let everyone will talk about what he did; the elder and middle brothers told how each killed lamia, the youngest also about the robbers; the king gave his daughter for him; prisoners were released on the occasion of the royal wedding; among them the man is half made of iron; the young man persuaded the king to release him too; as soon as the king broke his shackles, the monster swallowed the princess and flew away; the young man asks the king to give him iron shoes and a staff, promises in a year to return the princess; comes to her sister, whose husband is the Sun; she hid her brother, the Sun senses a man, but promises not to touch her brother-in-law; advises to ask the Month; he sends to the South; the South also does not know where the iron a man directs him to a huge falcon, tells him to come up from behind and threaten to slaughter him if he does not tell him where the Iron Man is; the falcon tells him to prepare meat and fix its wings - he is too old; they are flying On a high mountain, the young man cut off the last piece of meat from his thigh; when he reached, the falcon regurgitated the piece and grew it back; the wife hid the young man, but the iron man found him, drank blood, and spit out his skin and bones; the falcon saw, flew between the crushing mountains, took swallows in his beak of milk, revived the young man with it; he taught his wife to pretend to be dead and ask her husband where his strength is; iron; in a broom; the wife burned the broom, but nothing happened; she pretended to be sick again; iron: there is a boar on the mountain, he has a silver fang, a hare in his fang, there are three pigeons in the hare, they have strength; the young man came to the shepherd, began to ask about the boar, he I heard the young man fight him; boar: I would like to sharpen my fangs racine de gouet; young man: I would have flour, fried fish and wine; the shepherd brought everything, the young man killed the boar, took out pigeons; twisted two heads, the young man came to Iron Man, killed a third, Iron died; the falcon brought the young man and princess to the king; everyone is happy]: Dozon 1991, No. 15:121-134.
Central Europe. Poles: Grigas 1987 ["Tylko ptasiego mleka brakowało", "Wszystkiego tam obficie, mleka tylko ptaszego nie było na wety", "Nic nie brakowało, chyba tego ptasiego mleka"," Wszystko, prócz ptasiego mleka"]: 209-210; Wander 1876 ["I ptaśie młeko možna tam dostać"]: 1672; Russian written tradition [a fragment of a conspiracy from the Old Believer 18th-century manuscripts (Saratov Gubernia): "Like there is no stone from Latin, there is no ore, no garden, no disease from a servant of God, no milk from a chicken, no egg from a rooster, not from a servant of God (the name of rivers), no ore"]: Maykov 1869, No. 166:67; Western, Eastern and Northern Ukrainians (Podolsk, Kiev, Poltava, Volyn, Chernigov) ["poultry milk is dumb" (Zvenigorodshchina, Radomyshl, Piryatinshchina)," You don't know bird's milk" (Berdichev), "khiba ptashachy milk is nema" (Proskurov), "You don't know poultry milk" (Starodub)]: Nomis 1864, No. 1348:29; Western Ukrainians (Galicia) ["All May, hiba what bird of milk are fun (zabagae)"]: Zakrevsky 1860:150; Belarusians [proverb: "siahò je dastàtkam, tülko ptùsznaho malakà brakùje"]: Grigas 1987:209 (citing Federowski M. Lud białoruski na Rusi Litewskiej. Warszawa, 1935. T. 4. S. 252); Russians: Afanasiev 1985 (2), No. 276 (place of recording is unknown) [episode: "Here is a red girl, a merchant's daughter, walks to different rooms - gold and velvet are everywhere, and no one can be seen, nor one human soul! And time goes by; the beauty is hungry and thinks: "Oh, how would I eat now!" Before I thought about it, there was a table in front of her, and there was food, drinks and sweets on the table; unless there was bird's milk! She sat down at the table, got drunk, ate; got up and everything was gone!"] : 284; Dal 1862 (no place of recording; most likely including central provinces) ["Everything is there except bird's milk. But there is no bird's milk"; "You'll find everything in Moscow except bird's milk"; "At least you'll find bird's milk in a fairy tale, but you won't find another mother father in a fairy tale"; "I wanted bird's milk. Let the honeycomb be full"; "The rich man has everything, but he does not have poultry milk. Everything is there, except poultry milk"]: 79, 346, 410, 960; Maykov 1869, No. 139 (Vologodskaya, Solvychegodsky U.) [fragment of the conspiracy: "Like milk from a duck and a blood stone, so that (the name of the rivers) the servant of God has neither blood nor ore"]; No. 142 (Vladimirskaya, Yuryevsky y.) [conspiracy fragment: "A duck lies and a stone; the stone has no eggs, the duck has no milk. You have a castle in the sea, your key is in your company. You, your body, hold on, and you, wound, be strong, and you, ore, calm down"]: 61-62; Sadovnikov 1876, No. 2309 [What is not in the world? - Bird tits (Samar Gubernia, Stavr., Ozerki), 2310 [What can you never find in St. Petersburg? - Bird's milk (Vologda Gubernia, Totma)]: 280; Russians (Vladimirskaya, Yurievsky District) [a conspiracy from blood from the manuscript by D. Berezhkov "The village of Shelbovo, Yurievsky Uyezd ethnographically" (1850s): "under an oak tree on a tomb, a girl sews silk and speaks a wound; I do not have (men are burbot fish. - D. Z. ) eggs, the duck has no milk"]: Zelenin 1914, No. 22:163; Eastern Ukrainians (Kherson) [the person went to look for work; sees a hut that did not exist before; the hut has a rich table - except that there is no bird's milk; no matter how much it eats, food does not decrease; God and St. Peter, the man hid under the table; those who came in sat down to eat; an angel enters: a child has been born; an angel: how happy is he? God: how much do we have now; God and Peter are gone, there is no less food on the table; the man put food in a bag, brought it home, fed his wife and children; the next day the man came back to that hut; again an angel and that The same answer; but this time the man told his wife; she tells the angel to ask about his own happiness; now there is only one lamp, a piece of bread and a glass of water on the table; God answers the angel again, How are we now; man knelt before God; God: why didn't you ask yesterday or the day before; and now you'll be poor to death; the hut is gone, the poor man has returned home]: Yastrebov 1894, No. 3:122-124.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks: Kotvich 1905, No. 192 (Astrakhan) ["Three items are missing in the world: A bird has no nipples, the sea has no bottom, and the sky has no edges"]: 38 (English translation in Taylor 1954, No. 1008: 365); Bicheev, Erdamt 2020 ["Three things that do not exist in the world. (There are no stairs for mountains.)/Three things that don't exist in the world. (Birds don't have udders). /Three things that don't exist in the world. (There is no barrier to the ocean)"]: 30; Kumans ("Codex Cumanisus", compiled in the late 13th and early 14th centuries) [riddle: "Neither you nor me, nor in the high (sky-high) mountains, nor in caves (pierced, beaten stones), nor in hollows [nor in the Kipchaks? ]. This is bird's milk"]: Garkavets 2006:10, 15 (including the original kuman); Crimean Tatars [lived a great sultan; and what did he not have in the palace? everything except birds' milk]: Kondaraki 1875, No. 8:92 (cf. urums [khush sutu 'ptashine milk' {without context}]: Garkavets 2000:558); Abkhazians (p. Pakves, Ochamchira District, 1934) [ending: "The girl's parents arranged a wedding. The young man stayed with the prince. He took his mother and father to him, and they lived happily ever after. They had everything, but they did not have enough poultry milk"]: Shakryl 1974, No. 39:208 (reprinted with a little processing in Gabulov 1987:51); Kabardian residents [beginning: "Khan lived in one village, and This khan was the only daughter whom, as they say, he did not care about. Khan was ready to get her some bird's milk if it were possible; in short, there was nothing he could deny her]: Lopatinsky 1891a: 112 (=Aliyeva 1978, No. 22:205); Karachays or Balkarians [stepmother pretended to be sick, asks to slaughter an ox; stepson replies that his father bequeathed to protect oxen; "In addition, at least you want poultry milk, on earth there is nothing that you don't get me" (Andan sora, chypchyk syutyu deseng yes, zher bashynda bolgandan men tapmazlyk zhokadu)]: Malkonduev 2017:906; Stavropol Turkmens [riddle No. 25 meetings of V. Zavarina {according to Caspian Turkmens} corresponds to the following mystery of Stavropol Turkmens: Jer asti jeddi matal (seven mysteries underground); The bird has no milk (kushta with ƒt jok ), the feces do not have bile, there is no cream in the stream, horses do not chew, cows do not have felting, stones have no roots (Dashta damar jok)]: Samoilovich 1914a: 206-207; Ossetians (Irons, 1921) [ending: "We soon prepared a wedding feast, invited people and welcomed them well. There was nothing but bird's milk at their wedding feast. The boy and the girl stayed together, and even today they live and live"]: Dzagurov 1973, No. 77:363; Kumyks [proverb: "Zhymchykny syutyunden kairy sende ne de bardyr" (except bird's milk You probably have everything)]: Hajiakhmedov 2015:140; Avars [episode: "He [young man} climbed up to the tower, entered the mansions and sees: the Tsar Maiden is sleeping on the golden bed, a star is burning on her forehead, under the mouse shines for a month, and its body is so thin that you can cover it with two fingers. There are gold and silver candlesticks in the legs and heads; all kinds of food and drinks on the table, except for bird's milk"]: Saidov, Dalgat 1965:292; varnishes ["and partridge milk sparing" (i.e. generous, someone who spares nothing); "everything is there right up to mouse milk"]: Ramazanova 2005:120, 136; Georgians: Kurdovanidze 1988 (2), No. 84 (p. Ikalto Telavi District, Kakheti, 1948) [episodes: "The tablecloth turned around in a moment, and there was no food on it, including bird's milk"; "The peasant spread out the tablecloth and all sorts of fine dishes appeared on it. Everything was here, whatever my heart wanted, including bird's milk"]; No. 124 (p. Oladauri, Adjara) [episode: "He {the rider} liked the woman at first sight, and he shouted to her: "What kind of dog's head is on your lap? You'd better get up and come with me. If you become my wife, you'll live in a hall and in luxury. Unless you don't have enough bird's milk""]: 87-88, 243; megrels [ending: "They celebrated a lavish wedding, there was a great treat, and even bird's milk ! I was at that feast and I saw it with my own eyes. You can imagine what was going on there!"] : Kurdovanidze 1988 (1), No. 34:114; Svany [ending: "At home, Amiran celebrated a wedding that included all kinds of food, food and drinks, including poultry milk. I was there too and drank a lot. Until all that I have said is done, be blessed with everything and do not hurt you before!"] : Margiani 1890b 11; Azerbaijanis [episode: "Ahmed thanked and hid his keys in his pocket. And as soon as Ojai left, he immediately began to explore the rooms. Whichever door he opened, he saw such riches that he could not say in a fairy tale or describe it with a pen. No Shah had so many gold and gems. There was only bird's milk here"]: Seyidov 1983:24; Turks [summary of the text from Ign. Kunosha (without an exact reference): fearing revenge from his brothers, the younger prince secretly runs to his sons-in-law; dev welcomes the welcome guest: letting him go, he gives him a wonderful seal; the prince approaches the big house, who spins on a cock's leg; complaining about his share, he arouses compassion in the gardener for a stranger dressed in rags; falling in love with the princess, the keloglan (a bald fool boy) summons an Arab and an elegant dress rides a horse around the garden, trampling flowers; the princess throws gold at him in handfuls; the ringing of despicable metal rewards the gardener handsomely for the loss; allegorically hinting at her celibacy, she sends three melons to her father on behalf of her sisters; with a huge crowd of people, the princess distinguishes Keloglan three times; angry at her daughter's incomprehensible preference for Keloglan, the king drives them away from herself to the chicken coop; the princess herself soon becomes disillusioned with her husband; to heal the king, who is suffering from the eyes, the older sons-in-law go for bird's milk; asking his wife, for their child, for a black donkey, Keloglan sits on him; outside the city he sets up a tent; his brothers-in-law, agreeing to shame (keloglan puts a seal on his back), receive an extraordinary medicine from him drop by drop; the king is delighted with his sons-in-law, he allows them to organize a three-day tournament; a young man appears on the lists like a lion; the king bandages his minor wound with his daughter's handkerchief with his daughter's handkerchief; the surprised princess carries it to her mother; The king takes his grandson to his knees and solemnly bequeaths the throne after him to a pleshak]: Gordlevsky 1961, No. 41:191; Kurds (Echmiadzin District of Armenia, 1971) [episode: "The caravans consulted and said to the brave young man: "Good young man, we are bringing a Georgian woman with us, she is fed in bird's milk and deserves you. We give it to you"]: Jalil et al. 1989, no. 14:175.
Iran - Central Asia. Persians: Osmanov 1958 (from the collections of Kuhi Kermani and Mohtadi Sobhi; the recording location is not specified) [fairy tale episodes: "Now, put it on the middle finger, rub it, and a black man will jump out. Whatever you tell him, he will get everything, even poultry milk"; "My friend, where are you going, what happened? Stay here! Whatever you want - even bird's milk - I'll get it all!"] : 88, 96; 1987 (Tuiserkan, Hamadan) [fairy tale episode: "Let you know, young man, my name is Gol, and that beautiful woman who is locked in a cage is Sanoubar. I loved this woman like the apple of my eye and was ready to get anything she wanted for her, from bird milk to the human soul"]: 107; Nizami 1968 [Birda is so beautiful that January, like May, /For its limits, a blooming paradise. /There is expanse for lilies on the hills in July, /The winds lasted even in autumn, /There is a breeze scurrying between the fragrant groves; /The Kura bends around them like paradise stream, /There, the land is more fertile than the Valley of Eden, /The White Garden is full of Irem flowers, /There, the pheasant-infested one is wonderfully beautiful/The dark structure of cypresses and musk willows, /There is a veil of green and clean/ It calls for peace under hazy greenery, /There, in rich meadows and under the shade of oak forests - /There are all the birds of these warm edges all year round, /There are all the birds of these warm edges. Well.../Do you want poultry milk? There it is also]: 613.
Baltoscandia. Karely [Mi linnus maiduo, se kulakas hyvuttu (Megr Lake) - Whether from a bird of milk, then from a fist of good]: Makarov 1959:100; Veps: Zaitseva, Mullonen 1969, No. 50 (Medieval dialect, Pondala, 1965) [conspiracy: "I'm biting this hernia and illness. I bite my front tooth, throw my back tooth on a road without a path, into a swamp without moss, into a bottomless sea to be without a father, without a mother, rootless, barren and for life. Headache, back pain, chest pain, abdominal pain, navel pain, baby heel pain. And clean and get rid of this hernia, the disease from now on, from now on, for the rest of your life. Amen. [Like] a chicken doesn't have milk, a rooster doesn't have an egg, a stone has no roots, a finger doesn't have a name, even if this baby doesn't have this hernia either. And that's it"]: 113 (including Veps original); Onegin, Zaitseva 1996, No. 14 (d. Zalesye, Prionezhsky District, 1937) [fairy tale episode: "Again, the Tsar says: "Vanyusha, you know how to cook a royal dinner. Let everything be there except birds' milk." The guy went home, came and told his wife. My wife says: "I told you that you started teaching me too early, it will be a lot of trouble. Go to bed," he says. My wife went somewhere and made a good dinner before, there was everything but bird's milk" (see summary in the K27x3 data "The Hero's King and Wife")]: 82; Estonians [proverb: "Not in the world three things: root by stone, milk from poultry, knots by water"]: Krickmann, Sarv 1986, No. 3929:139; Latvians [proverb: "Putna piena vien trūkst"]: Grigas 1987:209; Lithuanians : Grigas 1987 [the phraseological units "bird's milk", "cuckoo milk", "swan milk", "cat's milk" are known; they say: "Viso buvo, paukščių pieno nebuvo" ("Everything happened, no bird's milk was"), "Ko ten trukst - tik paukszcze pieno" ("What's not there is just bird's milk"), "Viso tūri, tik gegužęs pieno neturi" ("He has everything, but no cuckoo milk"), "Ti tik gulbes pienů betruksta" ("There's only swan milk missing there"), "Wisso buvo kates pij by nebuvo" ("Everything happened, there was no cat's milk")]: 206, 209, 213; Zavyalova 2006 [bird epithet in conspiracies - be pieno 'without milk'; snake plots: "A bird without milk, a stone without a wing, water without blood"; "A stone without a root, rejoice, Maria. A bird without milk, rejoice, Maria. Worm without chewing gum, rejoice, Maria"; "A stone without roots, a fern without a flower, a bird without milk. Black, gray, striped, brown, red, blue (other colors), I curse you to go to God's judgment in dry forests, in swamps, so that it does not hurt or swell"; "Fern without flowers, stone without flowers, stone without roots, a bird without milk, and you, damn, do not walk on the ground, do no harm to people, you go through the ground"; "A stone without stones, /A fern without a flower, /A bird without milk,/ How did you walk across the field,/and role (?) , /Go like that, just don't do anything to that hair, die, disappear" (the last text is recorded in Lithuania in Polish and is a tracing paper of some Lithuanian version; in Poland, similar no stories)]: 15, 19, 45, 54, 64, 249-250, 323; Vaitkevičienė 2013 [conspiracies: "A bird without milk, a stone without roots, a fern without blossom. In the name of Jesus, let it help the brindled cow!" ; "The stone without roots. Holy Mary. The bird without milk. Holy Mary. The snake without gristle. Holy Mary"; "Small bird without milk, /The stone without blossom, /The water without wing -/Let you [illness] thus disappear! Let you perish forever! Amen"]: 213-214 (including literary originals).
Volga - Perm. Marie: Kitikov 2004, No. 394 (~Kitikov 2006:29) ["There are no stairs to go to heaven, there is no bridge to cross the sea, the white hawk has no milk"; shopshar is a kind of staircase from whole tree with short cut branches]; № 419 ["The treasury is rich and poultry milk is available"]; No. 2159 ["The chicken has no milk, the thief has no conscience"]; No. 2564 (hervel) [" God's supports are three supports: there are no stairs to climb into the sky, there is no bridge to cross the sea, the white hawk has no milk"]: 40-41, 140, 163; Kitikov 2006, No. 395 (Novotoryalsky District) ["On There are no three things in the world" (a bridge across the sea, a staircase to the sky, bird's milk)]; № 396 (Soviet district) ["There are no three things in God's world (a bridge across the sea, a staircase to heaven, bird's milk) )]: 69; Taylor 1954 ["Three sorts of things are not in the world: for climbing to heaven there is no ladder; for going over the sea there is no beam; a white hawk has no milk"]: 408; Chuvash ["There are no four things in the world: there are no stairs to go up to heaven, no branches by the water, no hands by the fire, no breasts"]: Petrukhin 1971:56; Kazan Tatars: Makhmutov 2013, No. 2077 [riddle: "There are seven creatures in the world that lack seven things. What are these creatures?" (a pigeon has no milk, a horse has horns, an egg has stitches, a cow has a mane, a stone has roots, a snake has legs, a cat has a beard)]: 283; Kazan Tatars [1) kugarchen cө te genitmi (yuk) - (only) bird (letters. pigeon) milk is missing (not enough)]: Makhmutov 1987:143, proverb No. 4055 (the source of the saying is "Tatar telenen anlatmaly suzlege. Kazan, Volume 1 - 1977, Volume 2 - 1979, Volume 3 - 1981"; Explanatory Dictionary of the Tatar Language, Kazan, Volume 1 - 1977, Volume 2 - 1979, Volume 3 - 1981; (cf. Zilyaeva, Abdrakhmanov 1977 [elan mogeze genyuk - (pogov.): only there are no snake horns - there is everything; whatever you need, everything is there (Ahmadi Shamsiga). Except you don't have snake horns in your bag. (G. Bashirov)]: 329, left column, line 13); Kazan Tatars: Poppe 1971 [riddle: "There are seven no in the world. What are they?" ; answer: "The bird has no milk, the foal has no bile, in a spring there is no cream, a mantle has no sleeves, a horse has no cud, a cow has no intellect, a stone has no roots"]: 227; Bashkirs: Barag 1989, No. 17 (Miyakinsky District of Bashkiria, 1966) [episode: "Malay opened the door to heaven. I came in and hardly lost my feelings in surprise: such beauty is all around! It's light and warm, the birds are singing. Sweet fruits grow in the garden, and rivers of milk flow. Bird's milk is available in the lakes. Guria girls swim in the river. And the palace in which they live is made of gold, silver, diamonds, pearls, ruffles and emeralds"]; No. 48 (Ishimbay District, 1968) [episode: "I woke up {eget}, and their leaky hut, blown from all sides is full of food and drink. And bags of flour and meat are plentiful, but there is no poultry milk. The mother was more surprised than before, but she is afraid whether it was honestly obtained"]: 109, 219.
Turkestan. Kazakhs: Baskakov 1951, No. 3 (Chimbay) ["Birds don't have milk,/Horses don't have bile"]: 138; Potanin 1972, No. 1 (East Tarbagatay, 1864) ["The stone has no friend/The frog has no lung. /The bird does not have milk, /The horse has no bile"; publishers' comment: "The first two lines of the aphorism can be translated in two ways: a) A friend's stone no, /The frog has no kind. b) The stone does not have a root, /The frog does not have a liver. If we consider that the Kazakhs had a strong sense of ancestral collectivism, we can assume that the first type of translation is more suitable" {data on motive N28a suggest that the second translation option is not less acceptable}]: 209-210, 348; Kirchner 1993, No. 767 ["The horse has no bile, the bird has no milk" (1 undocumented entry, 1 made in Istanbul in the early 1990s by a migrant from Xinjiang); "... the swan has no milk" (notes taken in Kashmir in 1952 and in Turkey in 1953-1954 from immigrants from Xinjiang)]: 154-155; Karakalpaks (Chimboy District) ["Wu horses don't have bile,/And birds don't have milk"]: Baskakov 1951, No. 6:166; Kyrgyz: Orozova 1998:114 [Why don't they have cream? /- Clean water doesn't have cream./ What doesn't have roots? /- A stone has no roots./What doesn't have a bridge? /- The lake doesn't have a bridge./Why doesn't it have a support? /- The sky has no support./What doesn't have a soul? /- A log has no soul./ What doesn't have a language? /- Fish don't have a tongue./ What doesn't blood? /- The herb has no blood./ What doesn't have bile? /- A horse doesn't have bile./Why doesn't milk? /- Birds don't have milk. /What doesn't have hair? /- The snake has no hair], 148 [(Unseen) I washed my face with butterfly milk, /On the day of Eid al-Adha, /I saddled a bay cricket horse/I chased girls./I smoked tobacco from butterfly skulls, /I knitted a halter out of the long hair of a gray lark./Across a river that an entire village could not cross, /I crossed across on a nest cricket horse]; Uighurs (Kashgar) ["If I enter a bai's house there is everything except hen's mil k"]: Jarring 1948, No. 5:133; (cf. Uighurs {translated from Codex Cumanicus} ["You don't have, I don't; not in the mountains, on fire, in stone. And the kipchak doesn't have" (bird's milk) and the paraphrase of this riddle in connection with the adoption of the Arabic script of writing: "You... have, I... have... have - humans... don't. And not only in humans, but also in the universe... no." This refers to dots above the letters, in this case above the letter N.]: Aliyeva 1989:86).
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Shors {recent book influence?} : Arbachakova 2010, No. 1 (Myski, 2000) [episodes of the epic tale: "I brought nine rooms inside, /When I introduced it, /On the gold (table)/Except there was no bird's milk - /So much drinking and food was laid out"; "At the golden table [Ak Kana with Altyn Sabak] having seated,/[All] drinks and food -/ Except that there was only no bird's milk -/They began to eat and drink"]; No. 2 (until 1995) [fairy tale episodes: "On a white (tablecloth), a great deal of food that was not seen by man immediately began to appear: on the upper earth, no matter how much food there was, everything appeared. The old man then sees: there is just no bird's milk, even an araga has appeared, it turns out"; "Just opened the tueska hat, a large table appeared in the middle of the big floor, not on the big table Man-made food has appeared. Kara Kang then sees that there is no bird's milk on this table, and food he hasn't seen in his entire life has appeared! When Kara Kahn saw this, he was not surprised; he was surprised. Not afraid, he was frightened"]: 158, 175, 187, 197; the Baikal Buryats (Balagan) [Abai-Geser Bogdo Khan stabbed a fat mare, put a loop; sends a dream to the male of the Kharabsar bird, he arrives to peck fat, is caught; Gaser hits him; demands from the female a spoonful of milk from her right nipple and a spoonful of tears from the right eyes of her chicks; she brings it, G. lets her husband go]: Khangalov 1959s: 219- 220.