Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

N27A. There is even bird milk. .15.16.27.-.30.32.

It is said that there is or was even bird's milk somewhere.

Latins, Germans (Warsaw), Ancient Greece, Arumians, Albanians, Bulgarians, Greeks, Poles, (Russians), (Lucks), Georgians, Megrelians, Swans, Persians (written tradition), Mari, Bashkirs.

Southern Europe. Latins [Satyricon by Petronius Arbitra (1st century): "And you can't think of him buying anything on the side: wool, oranges, peppers - everything grows at home; if you want bird's milk, and then you will find it" (per. A.K. Gavrilova); original - lacte gallinaceum 'chicken milk']: Petr. Sat. XXXVIII (cf. ["Natural History" by Pliny the Elder (1st century): "There is a marvelous neatness in the titles given to books among the Greeks. One they entitled Keron, meaning Honeycomb; others called their work Karas, i.e. Horn of Plenty (so that you can hope to find a draught of hen's milk in the volume)" (trans. by H. Rackham)]: Plin. Nat. Hist. Praef. XXIV).

Western Europe. Germans (Warsaw) ["Vün Vogelmilch is dort zü bekümmern", i.e. you can get whatever you want there {probably tracing paper from the Polish version}]: Wander 1876:1672 (quoted in Grigas 1987 : 209).

The Balkans. Ancient Greece [Strabo's "Geography" (c. 64/63 BC - ca. 23/24 AD): Perr <οὖν> mun oños ο tea tea, t t d llah lah ωn, and s dalon te te te perimuton ginos& #952; aa ka ta ta ta ta painonta mukn ; n pharmutin atn lağoosan paroι muana ti phrei kārnən γala-α, kα tea, tea, tea {fr. 880 K.-A.} φø; "Thus, as for wines, Samos was not particularly fortunate; otherwise, it is a blessed country, as can be seen from the island's frequent wars; and the island's praises did not hesitate apply to him the saying that Samos "even eats bird's milk," as Menander said somewhere" (trans. G.A. Stratanovsky)]: Strab. XIV. 1:15; Aromanians, Greeks, Bulgarians, Albanians (Zaros) [the expression "you will even find bird's milk there" is known]: Papahagi 1908, No. 408:163 (including originals).

Central Europe. Poles ["I ptaśie młeko možna tam dostać"]: Wander 1876:1672; (cf. Russians (the place of recording is not specified) ["At least you will find bird's milk in a fairy tale, but you won't find another father-mother in a fairy tale"]: Dal 1862:410).

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Georgians (p. Ikalto Telavi District, Kakheti, 1948) [episodes: "The tablecloth turned around in a moment, and there was no food on it, including bird's milk"; "The peasant spread out the tablecloth and all sorts of fine dishes appeared on it. Everything was here, whatever my heart wanted, right down to bird's milk"]: Kurdovanidze 1988 (2), No. 84:87-88; Megrelians [ending: "They celebrated a lavish wedding, it was great there treats, and even birds' milk! I was at that feast and I saw it with my own eyes. You can imagine what was going on there!"] : Kurdovanidze 1988 (1), No. 34:114; Svany [ending: "At home, Amiran celebrated a wedding that included all kinds of food, food and drinks, including poultry milk. I was there too and drank a lot. Until all that I have said is done, be blessed with everything and do not hurt you before!"] : Margiani 1890b 11; (cf. varnishes ["everything is there right up to mouse milk"]: Ramazanova 2005:136).

Iran - Central Asia. Persians [episode of the poem "Iskender-name" by Nizami Ganjavi (c. 1141 - c. 1209): "Berda is so beautiful that January, like May, is a blooming paradise for its limits. There, the breeze lasted even in autumn. /There, the breeze scurries between the fragrant groves, /The Kura bends around them like a stream of paradise. /The land there is more fertile than the Valley of Eden. /The White Garden is overflowing Irem flowers./There, infested with pheasants, is wonderfully beautiful/The dark structure of cypresses and musky willows. /There the land is a veil of green and clean/Calls for peace under hazy greenery. /There in rich meadows and under the shade oak groves /All year round the incense of life-giving grass./There are all the birds of these warm edges. Well.../Do you want poultry milk? It's there too"]: Nizami Ganjavi 1986:222.

Volga - Perm. Marie ["The treasury is rich, and poultry milk is available"]: Kitikov 2004, No. 419:41; Bashkirs (Miyakinsky District of Bashkiria, 1966) [episode: "Malay opened the door to heaven. I came in and hardly lost my feelings in surprise: such beauty is all around! It's light and warm, the birds are singing. Sweet fruits grow in the garden, and rivers of milk flow. Bird's milk is available in the lakes. Guria girls swim in the river. And the palace they live in is made of gold, silver, diamonds, pearls, ryakhonts and emeralds"]: Barag 1989, No. 17:109.