Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

N27C. The bird does not have milk. .28.29.31.-.33.

It is claimed that the bird does not have milk and/or breasts.

Russian written tradition, Russians (Vladimir, Vologda, Samara), (Kumans), Kalmyks, Stavropol Turkmens, (Karelians), Veps, Estonians, Lithuanians, Mari, Chuvash, Kazan Tatars, Kazakhs (Chimbay, Xinjiang, incl. East Tarbagatay), Karakalpaks, Kyrgyz.

Central Europe. Russian written tradition [a fragment of a conspiracy from an 18th-century Old Believer manuscript (Saratov Gubernia): "Like there is no stone from Latin, there is no ore, no garden, no disease from a servant of God, no milk from a chicken, no egg from a rooster, not from a servant of God (the name of rivers), no ore"]: Maykov 1869, No. 166:67; Russians: Maykov 1869, No. 139 (Vologodskaya, Solvychegodsky St.) [fragment of the conspiracy: "Like milk from a duck and a blood stone, so that (the name of the rivers) the servant of God has neither blood nor ore"]; No. 142 (Vladimirskaya, Yuryevsky y.) [conspiracy fragment: "A duck lies and a stone; the stone has no eggs, the duck has no milk. You have a castle in the sea, your key is in your company. You, your body, hold on, and you, the wound, be strong, and you, ore, calm down"]: 61-62; Zelenin 1914, No. 22 (Vladimirskaya, Yuryevsky u.) [a conspiracy from blood from the manuscript by D. Berezhkov "The village of Shelbovo, Yurievsky Uyezd ethnographically" (1850s): "under an oak tree on a tomb, a girl sews silk and speaks a wound; I do not have (men are burbot fish. - D. Z. ) eggs, the duck does not have milk"]: 163; Sadovnikov 1876, No. 2309 (Samarskaya, Stavropol, Ozerki) ["What is not in the world? - Bird tits"]: 280.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks: Kotvich 1905, No. 192 (Astrakhan) ["Three items are missing in the world: A bird has no nipples, the sea has no bottom, and the sky has no edges"]: 38 (English translation in Taylor 1954, No. 1008: 365); Bicheev, Erdamt 2020 ["Three things that do not exist in the world. (There are no stairs for mountains.)/Three things that don't exist in the world. (Birds don't have udders). /Three things that don't exist in the world. (There is no barrier to the ocean)"]: 30; Stavropol Turkmens [riddle No. 25 of V. Zavarina {according to the Caspian Turkmens} corresponds to the following mystery of Stavropol Turkmens: Jer asti jeddi matal (seven mysteries underground); The bird has no milk (kushta sÿt jok), There is no bile feces, no cream in the stream, horses don't chew, cows don't felting, stones have no roots (Dashta damar jok)]: Samoilovich 1914a: 206-207; (cf. kumans ("Codex Cumanicus", compiled in the late 13th - early 14th centuries) [riddle: "Neither you nor me, nor in the high (sky-high) mountains, nor in caves (pierced, beaten stones), nor in hollows [nor in the Kipchaks? ]. This is bird's milk"]: Garkavec 2006:10, 15).

Baltoscandia. Veps (Medieval dialect, Pondala, 1965) [conspiracy: "I'm biting this hernia and illness. I bite my front tooth, throw my back tooth on a road without a path, into a swamp without moss, into a bottomless sea to be without a father, without a mother, rootless, barren and for life. Headache, back pain, chest pain, abdominal pain, navel pain, baby heel pain. And clean and get rid of this hernia, the disease from now on, from now on, for the rest of your life. Amen. [Like] a chicken doesn't have milk, a rooster doesn't have an egg, a stone has no roots, a finger doesn't have a name, even if this baby doesn't have this hernia either. And that's it"]: Zaitseva, Mullonen 1969, No. 50:113 (including the Veps original); (cf. Karelians (Megrozero) ["Mi linnus maiduo, se kulakas hyvüttu" (Whether a bird of milk comes from a fist of good)]: Makarov 1959:100); Estonians [proverb: "There are no three things in the world: a root by a stone, milk from poultry, knots by the water"]: Krickmann, Sarv 1986, No. 3929:139; Lithuanians: Zavyalova 2006 [bird epithet in conspiracies - be pieno 'without milk'; snake conspiracies: "A bird without milk, a stone without a wing, water without blood"; "A stone without a root, rejoice, Maria. A bird without milk, rejoice, Maria. Worm without chewing gum, rejoice, Maria"; "A stone without roots, a fern without a flower, a bird without milk. Black, gray, striped, brown, red, blue (other colors), I curse you to go to God's judgment in dry forests, in swamps, so that it does not hurt or swell"; "Fern without flowers, stone without flowers, stone without roots, a bird without milk, and you, damn, do not walk on the ground, do no harm to people, you go through the ground"; "A stone without stones, /A fern without a flower, /A bird without milk,/ How did you walk across the field,/and role (?) , /Go like that, just don't do anything to that hair, die, disappear" (the last text is recorded in Lithuania in Polish and is a tracing paper of some Lithuanian version; in Poland, similar no stories)]: 15, 19, 45, 54, 64, 249-250, 323; Vaitkevičienė 2013 [conspiracies: "A bird without milk, a stone without roots, a fern without blossom. In the name of Jesus, let it help the brindled cow!" ; "The stone without roots. Holy Mary. The bird without milk. Holy Mary. The snake without gristle. Holy Mary"; "Small bird without milk, /The stone without blossom, /The water without wing -/Let you [illness] thus disappear! Let you perish forever! Amen"]: 213-214 (including literary originals).

Volga - Perm. Marie: Kitikov 2004, No. 394 (~Kitikov 2006:29) ["There are no stairs to go to heaven, there is no bridge to cross the sea, the white hawk has no milk"; shopshar is a kind of staircase from a solid tree with short cut branches]; № 2159 ["A chicken has no milk, a thief has no conscience"]; No. 2564 (Hervel) ["God's supports - three supports: to climb into the sky - no stairs, the sea cross - there is no bridge, the white hawk has no milk"]: 40, 140, 163; Kitikov 2006, No. 395 (Novotoryalsky District) ["There are no three things in the world" (bridge across the sea, a staircase to the sky, a bird's milk)]; № 396 (Soviet district) ["There are no three things in God's world (a bridge across the sea, a staircase to heaven, bird's milk)]: 69; Taylor 1954 ["Three sorts of things are not in the world: for climbing to heaven there is no ladder; for going over the sea there is no beam; a white hawk has no milk"]: 408; Chuvash ["There are no four things in the world: no stairs to go to heaven, no branches by the water, no hands by the fire, birds have no breasts"]: Petrukhin 1971:56; Kazan Tatars: Makhmutov 2013, No. 2077 [riddle: "There are seven creatures in the world, who are missing seven things. What are these creatures?" (A pigeon has no milk, a horse has horns, an egg has stitches, a cow has a mane, a stone has roots, a snake has legs, a cat has a beard)]: 283; Poppe 1971 [riddle: "There are seven no in the world. What are they?" ; answer: "The bird has no milk, the foal has no bile, in a spring there is no cream, a mantle has no sleeves, a horse has no cud, a cow has no intellect, a stone has no roots"]: 227.

Turkestan. Kazakhs: Baskakov 1951, No. 3 (Chimbay) ["Birds don't have milk,/Horses don't have bile"]: 138; Potanin 1972, No. 1 (East Tarbagatay, 1864) ["The stone has no friend/The frog has no lung. /The bird does not have milk, /The horse has no bile"; publishers' comment: "The first two lines of the aphorism can be translated in two ways: a) A friend's stone no, /The frog has no kind. b) The stone does not have a root, /The frog does not have a liver. If we consider that the Kazakhs had a strong sense of ancestral collectivism, we can assume that the first type of translation is more suitable" {data on motive N28 indicate that the second translation option is no less acceptable}]: 209-210, 348; Kirchner 1993, No. 767 ["The horse has no bile, the bird has no milk" (1 undocumented entry, 1 made in Istanbul in the early 1990s by an immigrant from Xinjiang ); "... the swan has no milk" (notes made in Kashmir in 1952 and in Turkey in 1953-1954 from immigrants from Xinjiang)]: 154-155; Karakalpaks (Chimboy District) ["Horses don't have milk bile, /And birds don't have milk"]: Baskakov 1951, No. 6:166; Kyrgyz ["Why don't they have cream? /- Clean water doesn't have cream./ What doesn't have roots? /- A stone has no roots./What doesn't have a bridge? /- The lake doesn't have a bridge./Why doesn't it have a support? /- The sky has no support./What doesn't have a soul? /- A log has no soul./ What doesn't have a language? /- Fish don't have a tongue./ What doesn't blood? /- The herb has no blood./ What doesn't have bile? /- A horse doesn't have bile./Why doesn't milk? /- Birds don't have milk. /What doesn't have hair? /- The snake has no hair"]: Orozova 1998:114.