Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

N32. Sitting on three oaks .28.29.32.

The ornithomorphic character is said to be sitting on several trees.

Russians (Olonetskaya, Siberia), Belarusians, Russian written tradition, Georgians, Chuvash people, Teleuts.

Central Europe. Russians (Olonetskaya, Pudozhsky Krai): Parilova, Soymanov 1941, No. 3 [Ilya Muromets had no arms and legs for 30 years, wiped a hole under him on the stove; prayed; recovered only when he heard from wanderers that the Nightingale the Robber blocked the way to Kiev; one day the walkers came, gave him a cup of wine to drink, then a second one; Ilya replies that if there was a table from earth to sky and a ring on it, he could turn the earth over; kaliki: with this force, mother earth will not wear; they gave a third cup to drink to reduce strength; Ilya went to Kiev to Prince Vladimir; on the Rosstani, a pole: to go straight - to be rich , to go to the right - to be married, to go to the left - I'll be killed; first goes to the left - there's an army, Ilya returns; then to the right - there are beauties, and in the basement there are chained heroes; Ilya freed the heroes, walled up beauties; elsewhere frees other heroes from the underground dungeon; destroys a myriad Tatar army; The Nightingale sits in a nest on seven oaks and seven females; whistles like a nightingale, hisses snake, roars like an animal; Ilya's horse falls to his knees; Ilya knocks out the Nightingale's eye with an arrow; he asks him not to destroy him, will give him gold and silver in his nest; Nightingale's daughters rejoice that their father is lucky a Russian hero, but it turned out the opposite; Ilya orders to send gold and silver on Horde carts to Kiev, brings Nightingale to Vladimir himself; he tells Nightingale to whistle; Ilya clarifies: half a whistle; that whistles in a full whistle, V. is wobbling, his wife Apraxia is a little alive; for this, Ilya cut off Nightingale's head; Nightingale's treasure carts arrived], 31 [the main episodes are the same]: 88-98, 268-280; Russians ( Western Siberia, Tavda) [Ilya Muromets has been legless for thirty years with his father and mother. When the parents are gone for dinner, an old man comes, asks him to get drunk, and orders Ilya to stand up. He starts going and comes to church with his parents, and they are happy. The father goes to the arable land to dig hummocks, gets tired, and goes to rest. While he sleeps, Ilya makes a large felling, filling the river with trees. He puts his hand on his horses - they can't bear his weight. He goes to look for a horse. The old man you meet advises buying an unhealthy horse. Ilya buys an unhealthy foal from another old man. On the advice of the old man, he drives him through the dew and cares for him. People are sent to see and show themselves. He goes to Rarat Mountain. Meet Egor Svyatogor, who takes Ilya prisoner and puts him in his pocket. Egor's horse stumbles because he is carrying two heroes with a horse. They're going. The coffin lies. He invites Ilya to try it on - he is big for Ilya. It's just right for Egor, he asks him to put on the lid. Then she asks me to shoot it, but Ilya can't do it. Ilya hits with his club - hoops jump up. Egor asks to hit him with a club, but hoops jump up again. Svyatogor says that this is his death, and that when the yellow foam starts, Ilya should not touch it, but lick it when he performs for the second time. Ilya feels so strong that if there were a pillar in the ground, he would turn the whole earth. She's leaving. On the road, the Robber Nightingale sits on twelve oaks, no one can pass. He whistles, but his whistle doesn't affect Ilya. Ilya shoots, the Nightingale falls like an oatmeal sheaf from an oak tree, Ilya ties him to a stirrup and moves on. Dobrynya Nikitich and Olesha Popovich are held captive by Solovye. When Ilya arrives at the court, one daughter Solovye says that this little hero is lucky, and the second replies that this hero is lucky. They pick up a board with iron teeth at the gate, but Ilya breaks it with his club. When he enters the rooms, the rooms are wobbly. Nightingale's father, Mamaishsho, is filthy. His eyebrows don't rise when his eyes are closed. He asks Nightingale if the hero is well built, asks him to feel his hand. Dobrynya Nikitich and Olesha Popovich warn Ilya that he will hand over his hand. They heat up the club and serve it to him. He squeezes so that the juice runs. He asks him to raise his eyebrows so that he can see what Ilyusha's physique is. They raise his eyebrows, he grabs a knife and throws him at Ilya. Olyosha catches a knife on the fly. Ilya takes his hat, hits Father Nightingale, Mamaishsho falls apart. Ilya asks the Nightingale to whistle half a whistle. Dobrynya Nikitich and Olesha Popovich can't stand on their feet. Then the Nightingale whistles with all his might to stun them. Ilya finishes it and leaves with Dobrynya and Olyosha]: Onchukov 2000, No. 31:101-102; Belarusians [Ilya is sitting in the back under 30; his grandfather came and gave kvass, Ilya had so much strength that if God approved the pole from ground to sky, then resting on it, Ilya turned the earth over to his mother cheese; his grandfather gave more kvass, his strength was halved; Ilya got a mare, bow and heroic saddle; on the way Nightingale the Robber; Ilya hit him in the eye with an arrow and squeezed him out of a nest on 12 oaks, tied him to the saddle; he came to the king; he asked him to show how the SR whistled; his small whistle caused the roof to collapse; then I. cut the SR into pieces; goes to look blind Alcade hero; on the way people make a coffin for that; I. came to A., he clenched his hand; Ilya hit him with his helmet and killed him]: Vasilenok et al. 1958:123-127; Belarusians (Smolensk region) ["Cook sat on three oaks and fished numerous birds. The birds kept saying how to kill Cook. They sabotaged all the birds and thought about how to drink it. They made an aberration: which bird to recognize, so shtob ina gnizda was neither vila nor an uncle nor a carmel. Saglasia cuckoo: "I find out if Kada Cook wakes me up like I'm a kukkoo, so shtoba was sokyl gatov." As she pooped, he killed Cook, and killed, and the birds died in their mustache: he pyristal ion to fool them, and the cuckoo did the job"]: Dobrovolsky 1891, No. 41:278-279 (=Belova 2004:188; Belova, Kabakova 2014, No. 229: 159); Belarusians (Mogilevskaya, Bykhovsky district, p. Gorodishche) [My husband and wife have a son, Ilyushka, 23 years old, lying on their side. Grandpa God comes and asks if he would like to drink water or kvass. I. chooses water. Grandpa tells him to bring a bucket of water, he brings it and drinks it. Grandpa asks how he feels. I.: I can get the sky from the ground, and the earth from the sky. Then Grandpa tells me to bring a bucket of kvass. He drinks and says that he is strong, but he can no longer reach the sky. Grandpa punishes you to clear the light. I. brings a barrel of water and 12 loaves of bread to his father and mother at the removed gate, who cut down the forest for arable land. They are happy and go to rest. I. does not cut down the forest, but pulls out trees with roots, throws them aside and dams the Danube River seven miles. The river overflows, threatening to flood all the world. When the father and mother wake up, they ask I. to clear the river, which he does. He sends his father to his ass to buy a horse for five zł. This is a scabies little horse. I. lets him into the open field for 12 days so that he can eat 12 herbs in 12 days, and he goes to the blacksmith and makes himself a mace of 12 pounds. He throws it up. She flies for 12 hours, and when she comes back, I. puts her knee in. The mace is crumbling. I. makes a mace of 25 pounds. Orders a pick and a saber. He goes out into the open field, shouts well done, whistles like a Cossack, calling for a horse. He comes running, the ground is trembling under him, half of him is golden and half is silver. The horse asks I. what he wants. I. wants to go into the white world, purify it, defeat the wretched Falcon. He receives a blessing from his father and mother, puts a golden saddle on the horse, takes his weapon with him and rides. Three days later he arrives in the realm of King Projord. The king eats 10 people a day, and the unfit Falcon delivers food to him. When he whistles, people fall for 12 miles. This is how he delivers 10 people a day to King Glutton. He sits alone on 12 oaks and has 12 antlers. The falcon finds out I., says hello, finds out if he has come by hunting, and they will fight or put up. I. shouts well done, whistles like a Cossack, asks for the blessings of the Lord, all relatives, father, mother and his horse. He kills Falcon with one blow with a mace, cuts off his head, puts him on his peak, cuts his torso into small poppies and burns him on aspen wood, then screams well done, whistles like a Cossack, announces a horse that they are going to see the wretched Tsar Prozhor. Hearing that someone is coming, King Prozhor asks who his wretched Falcon missed. The probe is fat, his eyes are swam and his eyebrows are overgrown, he can't see anything. The burner orders loyal servants to raise his eyebrows with forks. He wants to see I. I. takes a mace and goes to it, the porch is bursting under his feet. Shows King Falcon at his peak. King Prozhor demands that loyal servants serve food and drink - that he and I. drink and eat, and orders him to be given a golden chair. I. does not eat or drink, sits down with him without saying anything, takes off his 12-pound hat from his head and kills the unfit King Projor with it, breaking through a stone wall on three arshins. Having traveled unrecognized to another kingdom, where a pond with 12 stones is being built, he helps throw the stones where they should be free of charge, although the walkways break under his weight, and announces that he is a strong mighty hero I. Ivanov, let them pray to God for him. He comes to the church - Father Mikolai's Cathedral, prays to God and bows to Father Mikolai for his health. He visits his father and mother, tells them that he has cleared the light, and now let the Christian world pray to God for him. She lies down on his father's bed and dies. He enters the saints, becomes Saint I. He will now be in charge of a thundercloud. He tells his father to take the horse's ass and thank him. Pop buries him in a crypt, by God's will he is in a crypt by water, along the Sozhi River, goes to Kiev to the caves and gets his cave, where he stays now, and his parents live cheerful and healthy]: Romanov 1887, No. 44 : 259-262; Russian written tradition ("The Tale of the Indian Kingdom", a 17th-century manuscript from the NLR collection) [a horse is a huge bird whose nest is on 15 oaks; "Yes, there is a horse, a bird named after it the date and that bird makes its nests large in oak trees"]: Belova 2001:147.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Georgians (Kartli) [the eagle spread out on three oaks, asks the hunter not to kill him, cure him; carries him to his parents, tells them to ask them for treatment only a box; on the way, the hunter feeds the eagle, the last piece cuts off his leg; when he reaches, the eagle heals him; the eagle's mother tells him not to open the box on the way; the man opens, the whole city comes out of it; dev puts him back for promising to give what is at home you don't know; this is a newborn son; he grows up, goes to the maiden to be eaten; the old woman tells the youngest of the deva daughters to hide the dress when they swim; she becomes his wife; dev tells me to cover the house and the yard with a gold cloth; put up a palace by morning; the wife's people perform; to drive around the horse, this is the devil himself, the wife gives a bit and a hammer; the spouses run; the wife turns into a field, the husband into a reaper; into the forests and the old man; into the lake and duck; the first two times are favored by the mother, the third by both; they drink the lake, they burst]: Chikovani 1954, No. 60:167-172.

Volga - Perm. Chuvash [arçuri are imagined sitting on the edge of the forest, subduing three tall oaks; or his face is black, his ears and hair are long, two eyes in front and two in the back, three each arms and legs; reporter from D. Bolshie Toktashi, Atayev Volost, Kurmyshsky District, Simbirsk Province (now Shumerlinsky District), saw the goblin himself with his mouth on the back of his head]: Enderov 1984:56.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Teleuts: Funk 2005 (probably a recording by A.V. Anokhin) [shamanic appeal "The peaks of the seven larches, /After twisting, he pulled off [and] made a nest [for himself], /The mother of the birds Kiilu Khan, /Val who held out Achi Khan ./From the ground he stepped on, /Bitter mist spreads. /From the ground he kicked, /The northern fog spreads"; Kyilu-Kaan is in charge of Ak-Ilgenin chamgyl kushtar, birds that Kama meet on the way to Kirby Khan]: 136; Funk 2020 [1) an episode of an epic tale (Chelukhoy ulus, recorded by G.M. Tokmashev, early 20th century): "Kan yerin at continues his journey. When you have to go a month, he runs on the same day. He takes one month to travel a year. When yerin at ran like this, he saw a hero as tall as the sky riding home on a raven horse. And he saw two Kan-Kerede. After pulling the tops of seven yellow pines and seven black larches, they built a nest for themselves and sat in it. They say, "Here's one he leads. It will be our food." Kahn yerin began to break fourteen forests. Kan-Kerede chased him and his wings began to rustle. Their throats swallow their hair. We chased for seven days. Their wings were tired, their strength came out, they hit the ground with their breasts and sat on a black stone"; 2) a shamanic appeal in honor of the spirit of Purkai Khan, who is the manager of the Boer (tel. pura) - mounts and seven Chamgyl birds belonging to Ulgen (recorded by A.V. Anokhin, early 20th century): "(Where) red sand is scattered,/(He held there) held in high esteem red mounds,/(Where) green the sand is scattered,/(He held there) in high esteem gray riding drills, /The peaks of seven larchs/Twisted and made a nest/Mother of Birds, Purkai Khan" (slightly different translation in Funk 2005:128); 3) from the description The shaman's ways to the spirit of Janys-Som (recording by A.V. Anokhin, early 20th century): "The shaman goes to the mother of birds, who sits in the nest, a retinue on the tops of seven larch trees. Previously, kam sends his taboo spirits forward, and he, "armed" with Ker-Palyk, goes to Kurgai Khan (he first pushes the shaman away twice)" (the same text with minor differences in Funk 2005:175)]: 43, 355, 358.