Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue

Ethnicities and habitats

N33A. Trampled into the ground (.43.50.)

The character's opponents trample him into the ground.

Kurdalen, lipan.

The coast is the Plateau. Kurdalen: Reichard 1947, No. 9a [Lynx secretly looked at the chief's daughter, thought she would become pregnant; Raven, Coyote, says this is their grandson, but the baby is still crying; the name is Lynx, in his arms the child calms down; he gives the baby to his mother; the rest trample the Lynx, drive it into the ground; the Chief tells him to leave his daughter alone; the Rabbit and the Magpie secretly leave her food, a blanket; Lynx comes to life, the wife says he is already good; Lynx gets a lot of meat, the chief's men are starving; Coyote, the Raven come, try to steal fat, the Lynx's wife beats them; gives meat to the Magpie, the Rabbit; they bring food to the children, everyone hears them chewing; the Raven brings a piece of fat; everyone goes with gifts to the Lynx's wife; the Lynx says the Blue Jay's blue cape is missing; it is brought in; everyone gets meat, the Coyote gets bones; the Lynx leads everyone to hunt, the Coyote also caught two deer], 9b [the daughter of the Eagle Chief gave birth to a Lynx; the Coyote says that the child is from his son; the chief invites everyone to hold the baby in their arms, whoever stops crying is the father; The lynx reluctantly comes last, the baby stops crying, he gives it to his mother; the Eagle tells everyone to jump on the Lynx, driving it into the ground; the Raven and the Coyote jump first, the Grizzly - the heaviest; the eagle tells him to migrate, leaving her daughter alone; the lynx is reborn, the wife rushes to him before his face is smooth, so the lynx is ugly; the lynx gets a lot of meat, and people The eagles are starving; the Rabbit and the Magpie gently stepped on the Lynx, so they got a deer; at home, their children eat meat, make noise; Eagle's messengers think they are eating moss; the raven stole fat, choked, and other fat shared; Raven and Coyote come to Lynx, his wife beats them; everyone pays a ransom; Lynx's wife says she won't make peace until the Blue Jay necklace is gone; he gives the necklace, the Eagle's people come back, get meat, but Coyote and Raven are just bones and heads]: 109-113, 113-115.

The Great Southwest. Lipan [ferocious beasts play against harmless animals; you have to guess which moccasin the bone is under; the bet is life; Rabbit, Antelope play on the side of the evil; if they won, it would be eternal night; the good win the day thanks to the Possum, who climbed under the moccasins and changed the bone; for this, the evil beat it into the ground; from some losers, the winners take fat; Bear in hurriedly put his moccasins on the wrong leg, so the clubfoot; the birds beat the Big Owl, he hides his heart in his leg, the Lizard hits him there with an arrow; his body turns into flints, the usual one flies out of him an owl, asking for a little darkness, lives in caves]: Opler 194087-93.