Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

N5. Winter is recognized by frost, summer by rain. 34.-.36.39.

Long trips, hikes, flights, or battles are described using a formula that indicates that characters learn about winter through snow or frost, and summer through warmth, rain, dew or other similar signs.

Altaians, Tubals, Teleuts, Shors, Khakas, Tuvans, Baikal Buryats, Khamnigans, Northern and Southern Khanty, Vilyuisky, Central and Northern Yakuts, Dolgans, Baikal Evenks (Barguzin), Far Eastern Evenks (Uchursky, Aldan, Amur, Chumikan), Evens, Tundra Yukaghirs, Russkoe Ustye.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Altaians: Radloff 1866, No. 2 (Katun) [after the death of his parents, a teenage boy Altain Sain Salam and his younger sister remained; ACC regrets that he cannot bring home the meat of the victim on horseback the beast; sees the heroic horse Aikym-Saikym, the sister explains that the horse is for him; the ASS brought game for his sister on horseback; but when he galloped again, he fell off his horse and broke his neck; the sister told the rock to part, she put her brother's body inside, put on men's clothes and went to marry the daughters of Sunny Khan and Moon Khan; "That it was winter, she noticed from her frosty collar that summer was, she noticed from her frosty collar warmed shoulder blades" (this motif on p. 15); each of the khans promises an middle daughter, whose arrow will fly through the eye of a needle, an iron hook, a mountain forest and fall (at the feet) of the khan; the imaginary ASS fulfilled the condition and received the girls, but did not sleep with them on the way back; they were already thinking of returning to their fathers; the sister jumped forward, told the rock to open, put a note in her brother's hand describing what had happened, turned into a hare and ran away; Sunny Khan's daughter whipped the AAC, it came to life; Lunny's daughter completed her revival; AAC hit the hare's leg with a wooden arrow, caught it, gave it to his wives and told him well feed; the hare chewed on their clothes; they killed him; the AAC placed the hare in three boxes one in the other, left a note to the doctor asking them to revive the hare, let the box go to sea; the box sailed to Moon Khan's possession; his the doctor revived the hare, the hare became a girl, the khan's son married her; after 7 years, the AAC went to look for his sister and came to the yurt, where a boy was running; the AAC sister saw the horse Aikym Saikim and cried; the horse saw her and glowed; brother and sister met and had a feast], 5 (Katun) [the young man galloped west; "He noticed that winter was on his frosty collar. He noticed that it was summer by his heated shoulder blades"]: 12-23, 38; Yutkanakov, Tokmashov 1935 (Katun, 1914) [epic tale episode: "This is how the darling rides/Kuskun-Kara-Matyr. /Neither summer nor winter/They don't keep him./Summer will come - /He'll know hot by his shoulders./Winter will come-/He's in his own way He finds out the snowy gate. /On his palms/The sun and the month./On his white forehead/Dawn is burning]: 127; Tubalars: Radloff 1866, No. IIC.10 [episode of an epic tale: Adyn Törön Alaktai and Mongus Pakai began to fight; "They could see from their frosty collar that winter had come. They knew that summer had come from the floors covered with dew {or: by the melted floors of clothing; in the original, Dass der Sommer gekommen, /Wussten sie am bethauten Rockschoss}"]: 291; Nikiforov 1915 (seok komdosh, left bank of the Katun, surroundings of the village. Anos of Chemal District) [fairy tale episode: Erke-Mondur on horseback "[r] eku ran over with snow floating on it, crossed the brownish taiga. You will recognize the approach of summer by your shoulders, and you will know the arrival of winter at the gate. Large, large mountains meet, trotting, without noticing their height and lowness. Large, large rivers move, without disassembling depths and shoals"]: 23; Teleuts (Bachat, Shandy ulus, 1924, recorded by K. Vertkova) [fairy tale episode: "I decided to go. He goes, finds out winter (by) cold, summer (by) rain knows. He goes and sees: it's not a mess, or a mountain. He comes closer and sees that it is an icy mountain, and you can't get to it, neither the animal will enter, nor the bird will fly. I went to the sunrise, the iron gate is closed"]: Funk 2020:132; Shors: Dyrenkova 1940, No. 10 (b. Condom) [episode of an epic tale: "As soon as Kan Kes got off his horse, (he) rolled up [two] sleeves, tucked [two] floors, fell into Kara Kazan's hands, the Naked Black Young Man fell into Kara Kartyg's hands. When the four of them started fighting, this land did not become earth, this water did not become water. The piled ridges capsized down with their peaks, and the flowing sea shook in the opposite direction. If you fumble, you can't find each other - such a black mist has fallen. In the midst of the black fog, birds with nests fell behind their nests, and animals with lairs fell behind their lairs. You never know how much they twisted each other, how much they squeezed each other. In turn, the month rolled, sliding and crawling one after another - years have passed. They learned that winter had come by hoarfrost, that summer had come, they learned by the warm rain - they fought like this"]: 55; Chudoyakov 2008 [episode of the epic tale: "They fight like formidable bears, -/The ribs barely remain intact. /If the blows hit the chest, /The chest ribs barely remain intact. /The arrival of winter is recognized by the frost, /Summer is recognized by the warmth"]: 116; Khakas: Katanov 1907, № 281a (p. Ust-Yesinskoye, Minusinsk District, 1889) [fairy tale episode: "He {Altyn Tas} raised his whip and hit his horse with it, rushed on. The white-gray horse got worse than before and ran. The onset of summer becomes noticeable to him because the sun burns his shoulder blade; but the onset of winter is noticeable to him because frost appears on his temples"]: 322; Tuvans: Vatagin 1971, No. 1 (Bai-Taiginsky Kozhuun) [episodes of the fairy tale: "The strongmen knocked down like two rocks, clutched like two camels, looking at each other from under their brows like two bulls. It is not known how many years have passed. Winter was recognized by frost, summer was recognized by dew. Tevene-Møge's muscles boiled and became harder than steel, and Kudun-Khulyuk's muscles fell off as if they had melted"; "They knocked down like two rocks, clutched like two bulls. It is not known how many years have passed in the fight. Winter was recognized by frost, summer was recognized by dew. Khan Kavyndy wanted to kick Theven and throw him into the sky, but Tevene was as dodgy as a kite"], 2 (Bai-Taiginsky Kozhuun) ["Aldyn-Khuva was left alone in tears. It is not known how long the hero traveled. I recognized winter by frost, summer by dew. But so he climbed the crest of the huge black taiga and saw a black lake in the distance"], 20 (Dzun-Khemchik Kozhuun) ["The horse galloped so that sparks fell from the hero's eyes. Where there were mountains, there was a flat steppe. Where there was a flat steppe, mountains rose. The stars of the sky fell to the ground, and the dust of the earth rose to the sky. The hero recognized winter by frost, summer by dew. At last he couldn't stand it and shouted: "If you want to kill, kill quickly! If you want to be spared, stop it!""] : 26, 28, 51, 159; Grebnev 1960:35 [episode of an epic tale: "When a guy threw a lasso over the foal's mighty neck, he rose on his hind legs and rushed away. The foal carried it all over the world. Dust from the ground rose to the sky, stars from the sky fell to earth. Where there were waterless steppes, water appeared; dry steppes appeared on the site of the lakes. He turned mountains into sandy plains, forests into windbreaks. When it was winter, the frost creaked, and when it was summer, the dew shimmered with a rainbow. For sixty days [the horse] did not calm down, ninety days, hogtied, dragged the guy with him, beat his feet"], 122 and 126 [episodes of an epic tale, the hero's struggle with the strongman, with bears; "in winter only hoarfrost creaked under your feet, in summer the dew rustled"]; Orus-ool 1997 [episode of an epic tale; By winter hoarfrost {we learned} - "My friend, winter has come!" - talked. They recognized by the summer dew: "Summer has come!" - said]: 219; Baikal Buryats: Khomonov 1964 (Kukunut Ulus, Ekhirit-Bulagatsky District, 1906) [uliger episodes: "After: /sitting on his blue horse, /{ Khurin Altai} galloped northeast. /Defining winter, galloping; /by summer sparks [lightning] /summer determining, galloping; /by the chirping of a variegated magpie/recognizing winter, galloping; /by the stump of a golden bird/recognizing summer, galloping"; "And then {Khurin Altai}/along the Khan's wide road./quickly galloped/along a wide folk road; /on white objects/determining winter, galloping; /by summer sparks [lightning] /determining summer, galloping; /by the chirping of a variegated magpie/recognizing winter, galloped; /by the stump of a golden bird/recognizing summer, galloping. /Then he rushes in a whirlwind"; "After that: /with a loud stomp {Khurin Altai} jumps, /southern/ jumps noisily./So it happened:/what covered with white, /counting over the winter, jumps; /everything that glitters, /counting over the summer, jumps. /The chirping of a colorful magpie/counting over the winter, jumps, /the singing of a golden bird/over the summer, counting, jumps"; "{Khurin Altai} sits on his blue horse/ and along the Khan's road with a ringing ringing /to the south-western side/trotted with a ringing trot, /rushed along the road of the folk forest/a quick trot. /All this was: /he was white places/counting over the winter, /where everything sparkled, /taking him over the summer, galloped ; /chirping a colorful magpie/taking over the winter, /singing a golden bird/counting, galloping over the summer"]: 110, 123, 151, 187; Burchina 2007, № IV.1 (Alarsky district, 1906) [Uliger episodes: "Altai Shagai Mergen goes fast: he travels a distance of ninety years in nine years. Hearing [the splash of water] sald, he decides that [it is] summer, when he sees [the white] side, he decides that [it is] winter. When the motley magpie chirps, he decides that winter, when the golden lark trills (Altan Gurgaldai), decides that summer"; "The hero continues his journey day and night: seeing it whitening, he notes that [ ] winter has come, when he hears the splash of sald, decides that [now] summer"]: 202, 204; Sanzheev 1936 (the uliger recorded C.J. Zhamtsarano from Iolbon Shabdykov in 1903 in the Ekhirit-Bulagatsky aimak) [Alamji Mergen all goes further, /And wears, /Knows about winter: /Magpies singing, /Magpies pengoy. /Knows about summer/Sings on a branch]: 68-69; Hamnigans: Damdinov 1982, No. 4 (p. Onon, 1911) [Uliger episode: "After that, Boldor didn't stop fighting. Old Kharaltu drove his people and cattle back to his camp. The son was left to fight with two Zangin leaders. I fought for a very long time, for so long... When the green grass grew, we found out that summer had come. When snow fell and a snowdrift formed, they found out that winter had come. They kept fighting for so long. We fought for so long,/That it's been a full twenty years"]: 210.

Western Siberia. Khanty: Lukina 1990, No. 27 (northern; western. IN. Steinitz in 1936 in Leningrad from a student K.I. Maremyanin from villages. Sugut-Kurt on Malaya Ob) [fairy tale episode: "Uncle kissed him, hugged him, then they parted. He walks for a long time, he walks short for a short time. If it snows, it reminds him of winter; if it rains, it reminds him of his age. How long did I walk for a short time and came home. The three corners of his mother's house have already completely collapsed. He climbed to the smoke hole: his mother had only one sparkle of fire left. If he came in the summer, a drop of water fell from the end of his oar, if he came in winter, a snowflake fell from the end of his ski staff"]; No. 30 (Nizyam, i.e., according to V. Steinitsa, southern; villages. Nizyamy, Oktyabrsky District) [episode of the Sacred Hero, Merchant of the Lower World, Merchant of the Upper World": "He took {the Desired Hero} a seven-articular stick presented by his matchmaker and went. Seven nights go by, seven days go by. When it snows, he remembers winter; when it rains, he remembers summer. Finally he is so tired that if you hang a twig on his nose, he will not hold on, if you hang a blade of grass, it will not hold"]; No. 35 (northern; zap. IN. Steinitz in 1936 in Leningrad from a student K.I. Maremyanin from villages. Sugut-Kurt on Malaya Ob) [legend episode: "Then I moved on. He walked for a long time, walked briefly, came to the seashore. He took his ball out of his breast pocket and threw it across the sea. There was a bridge he could walk on. He crossed to the other side of the sea, wrapped his ball, put it in his chest pocket. Then I went on. A long time goes by a long time, a short time goes by. If it snows, he remembers winter; if it rains, he remembers summer. He walked for a long time, walked briefly, arrived in the city. His grandfather grew old and his mother grew old, and his father's brothers' wives grew old"]: 100, 114, 141.

Eastern Siberia. Yakuts (northeastern and apparently also western and central): Maak 1887 (b. Kürga, Mid-Vilyuisky Ulus, 1850s) [olonkho episode: "Here he is {Kyhul-buho} and chased the thief west and only knew that when it rained, it was summer, when it snowed was winter. Our hero was driving, driving, and finally came to a high stone mountain that reached the sky, and a three-headed bird sat on that mountain"]: 123; Priklonsky 1891 (the place of recording is not a decree.) [fairy tale episode: "Erh Sogotoh sat on his good horse and drove in the direction where the winter sun rises and where the demon hero went in the form of black fog. He drove for a very long time, winter was characterized by snow, and summer by rain, never meeting anyone. Once a rider on a white horse, dressed in a silver dress, caught up with him, but without paying attention to Er Sogotokh, he drove on"]: 168; Popov 1936a (the place of recording is not a decree.) [olonkho episode: "Al-Sogotoh set off right east. I recognized severe winter by storms, summer is hot in rain, autumn is late in drizzling snow"]: 57; Dyakonova 1990 (the place of recording is not a decree.) [fairy tale episodes: "I don't know how long, how short it took; only winter was recognized by hoarfrost and cleaned off hoarfrost, summer recognized by the rain and shook off the rain, autumn recognized by rain and snow and he shoveled off the snow, and so did he"; "He {a young man who followed his brothers to look for a bird that ate their wheat}, recognizing summer by rain, winter by hoarfrost"; "He walked { peasant son} , learning that winter is due to hoarfrost, summer is rain, autumn is fog, spring is air"]: 85-86; Yemelyanov 1990 (Mayorsky Nasleg of Abysky District, 1940) [olonkho episode: "Winter was recognized by snow, /autumn was recognized by bad weather... /gradually entered a country with a bright bloody sun, /with a black-bloody moon"]: 64; (Somorsun Nasleg of the Amginsky District, 1940) [After receiving his armor, Er Sogotoh goes straight east; he goes "recognizing winter by frost, summer by heat, spring through puddles, autumn by rain and snow"]: 91; 2000 (the place of recording is not a decree.) [olonkho episode: "(The hero goes) recognizing summer by the rain, /Winter by snow, /Spring through thawed patches"]: 55; Central Yakuts (Zhuleysky Nasleg of the Tattinsky Ulus) [It goes for a long time, recognizing summer by rain, winter by snow, spring by slush, autumn by frost]: Yemelyanov 1980, No. 34 (olonkho "Elik Bootur and Nygyl Bootur"): 139-144; Sivtsev, Efremov 1990 (places of recording not a decree.) [fairy tale episodes: "I see how you broke up with your family and left your home and then your country. Now I see you riding on the velvety grass that reaches the middle of a girl's elbow, driving a country covered in soft silky grass, reaching the middle of a young man's calf. And now you are jumping through countries with trees whose branches stretch from the top of your head down, overcoming the river, the flow of which rushes from the roll in different directions. You rush and rush non-stop, recognizing winter as hoarfrost, summer by rain, spring with warm snow, autumn as a crumbling leaf. But now you have already passed Cholbontoy-mister's home, left the month-master's home behind"; "The mischievous and poor younger brother, of course, could not drive inaudibly. Recognizing winter with hoarfrost, summer by rain, spring with warm snow, autumn with a falling leaf, slipping the distance into one day crossing at once, he flew like a bird and sang at the top of his throat <... >"; "And Hotoy Bege continues his journey, recognizing winter with hoarfrost, summer by rain, spring with warm snow, autumn with crumbling leaves. He rode like this, galloped, and finally found himself in the yard of Kyueghai Namsyn, the daughter of the Sun"; "We drove not far away, a man by the fire found that there was no knife with a silver sheath. He left his occupation, hurriedly saddled his horse, put on Doha on the move and rushed in pursuit. He recognized the road the girl was driving in the footsteps of her horse. I recognized winter by kurzhak hoarfrost, spring by warm wind, summer by rain and sun, autumn by wet snow"; "Days and years flew by, Enkebil walked along its path, recognizing winter by hoarfrost, defining summer by rain. She grew old, began to bend and bend, and reach for the ground. And at exactly ninety years old, she came one evening to a mighty larch with a bent top, a convex root, and a black hollow. She leaned against her and fell asleep"; "Marba and the general's son sailed through the water for a long time. These fellows recognized winter by snow powder, summer by rain, autumn by rain and snow, night by dark, day by shining light. So they drove, drove and finally arrived"]: 73-74, 79, 187, 308, 329; Illarionov et al. 2008, No. 26 (right bank of Vilyui, p. Kutana, Suntar District, 1986) [fairy tale episode: "Years and days have passed, summer by rain, winter by hoarfrost {hunter Engkeebil}; when she grew old, she began to bend and bend, when she reached the age of ninety, she came under a mighty- an old larch, with a tilted tip, curved roots and a hollow, leaned [against it] and fell asleep"]: 285; Govorov 2010 (Ust-Aldan District, 1934-1935) [olonkho episode: "Does not feel the power of flight {Mulju Byøge} ./Swakhov does not know when, /When frost appears on his eyelashes/Thinks winter has come, /When it rains, /Feels summer has come, /When it rains, /Feels summer has come, /When bad weather, snow/They will fall on your head, /Knows, autumn is coming. /How long, how short, /He flew a lot or a little -/Does not feel the time"]: 111; Yakuts (central; Taragay nasleg of the Megino-Kangalassky district) [Dyyray Bögyo goes north, recognizing autumn by bad weather, winter by snow, summer by heat]: Yemelyanov 1980, No. 3:22-33; Dolgans: Efremov 2000, No. 1 (Dolgana machine, Khatanga tract, 1931) [olongko episode: "I ripped off my mother's skin. When she ripped it off, a female girl who was beginning to wither came out of her skin. On the skin with the words: "I'm going to go to a famous country, be my immense horse with tireless lungs!" - with his legs spread out, he sat on horseback, continuing to quilt. Without long waiting, the skin turned into a horse. Ayyi galloped towards the country on horseback, recognizing summer by rain, recognizing winter by hoarfrost. So, tired and exhausted, I drove and began to approach where stone capes converge on three sides"]; No. 14 (pos. Kheta, Khatanga District, 1987; the narrator moved from the river with his father as a child. Reindeer) ["These guys, /Each part of the year's food and clothings/After taking care of themselves, they leave./These guys, /While on the road, /Learning summer by rain, /Winter through hoarfrost, /Autumn on wet snow , /Here they go. /Moving away from their great country./Moving away from their far land, /They go and go"]: 55, 239; Barguzin Evenks: Georgi 1936 (1772) [fairy tale episode: "For seven years, the eagle (which Princess Suvudangina turned into} flew without resting under the clouds, and sometimes in the clouds. When a white gleam emanated from the ground, he knew that it was winter on earth; when the earth's gleam turned dark, he thought summer had come"]: 234; Uchur Evenks: Romanova, Myreyeva 1971, No. 19 (Aldan District) [episodes of the epic tale: "Having turned into winged birds, they {blacksmith Torontai and Irkismon of Middle Earth} flew along the edge of the eighth heaven, under the ninth cloud. They did not know how long and short they flew. Summer by rain, autumn by hail, winter in snow, and spring by fluffy snowflakes, they kept their way"; "Hearing this, our people became even more angry, keeping up, and chasing her. Knowing summer by rain, autumn by hail, winter by snow, spring by fluffy snowflakes, they walked and walked. They did not know whether three months or three years passed"; "Then this Cocoldokon, turning into a white bird, flew between eight clouds, under the protrusions of the ninth cloud. [He] crossed many countries, saw foreign countries; he did not notice how long or short he flew. This good man flew, recognizing summer by rain, autumn by hail, winter by wind and snow, and spring by fluffy snowflakes. [So] he was moving and moving. [he] did not know whether he had flown for three, thirty days or three months. And it seems that he has reached the very top of the upper sky"; "The elder mat became a silver white crane, while the Cocoldokon turned into a white bird. And they flew, whistling [with their wings], towards the places where Arbagaikan, an old woman who had grown up as an orphan, lived. Turning into winged birds, they flew over eight clouds along the edges of the ninth cloud. They didn't know how long or how long they flew, knowing summer only by rain, autumn by hail, winter through snow, spring by fluffy [snow] flakes, they flew"; "After that, Khurkokchon upper earth went forward. I didn't know how long or short I was driving. He rode, recognizing summer by dew, autumn by hail, winter through snow settled on tree branches, and early spring by fluffy snowflakes"; "They fought hard, energetically, turning the hills into holes , ripping off the bark of growing trees, splitting dried trees, thigh-length in soft ground, knee-deep in solid ground. They did not know how long and short they fought. Two mats fought equally. They fought, recognizing summer by dew, autumn by hail, winter on snow on tree branches, and spring by fluffy snow. They fought for a whole year without a break"; "After that, Khurkokchon of the upper earth directed his young horse towards the middle ground, and his whip whistled, pushing [the horse]. The young horse was really a fast-footed horse: [from running] a white fog spreads in front, and black dust rises behind the pole. Gradually, the horse's footprints on the ground became more and more invisible, and now [he] flew. It flew through eight clouds over nine clouds inside a black cloud. [They] did not know how long or short these people flew. Summer by dew, winter on snow on tree branches, spring through fluffy snowflakes, autumn by hail, they flew"; "After that, our man, Hurkokchon of the middle earth, quickly [and] deftly rode his colorful deer, pointing it straight east. [He was driving], flashing here and there, and did not know how long or short he was driving, through eight clouds, over nine clouds. The footsteps of this motley deer increased, its jumps became longer, and its running gradually accelerated. Hurkokchon himself in the middle earth gradually grew bolder. The horse deer also wanted to stand up for him: when you watched him run, white steam fell in front of him, and black dust rose behind him, his legs flashed so that you could not see where he was stepping. During this time, [Hurkokchon] crossed several countries, but did not notice how long or short he was driving: he was driving, recognizing winter by snow on tree branches, summer by dew, autumn by hail, and spring by hail Recognizing the fluffy snow"; "After that, they, Khurkokchon of the middle earth and the good shaman Ayakchan the beautiful, turned into Siberian birds, and the hero of the upper earth, the brave hero Deris, sat on horseback on his a striped cloud flashing through eight clouds, and went after them. They were still on their way to middle ground. They recognized summer by dew, winter by snow on tree branches, spring by fluffy snow flakes, autumn by hail, over twice nine clouds, twice eight clouds. This is how they flew, and will they be delayed on their journey in the legend - so they reached the homeland of Khurkokchon"]: 206-207, 214, 227, 230, 253, 256, 263, 267, 282; Myreeva 1990 (pos. Kutana, Aldan District, 1960 and 1971) [episodes of epic tales: "They recognized winter by snow, /They recognized spring by fluffy snow, /They recognized summer by rain, /They recognized autumn by hail. /It's been all year round/Since we started fighting. /All this time/Without stopping or getting tired, /These heroes fought"; "Meanwhile, /He reached the edge of [his] country, /He entered a foreign country, /He joined a foreign country He recognized the country. /He recognized summer by the rain, /He recognized autumn by hail, /He recognized winter by the snow, /He recognized spring by the fluffy flakes of snow. /He was driving like this, /Suddenly his light brown deer got up"; "These people/They recognized summer by the rain, /They recognized autumn by hail, /They recognized winter by the snow, /They recognized spring by soft flakes of snow . /Everyone went forward./Following this, /They ran into a steep cliff, /Called the border of the Upper and Middle Worlds"]: 161, 255, 329; Amur Evenks: Vasilevich 1966, No. 3 (Urmi, 1948) [epic tale episode: "The girl headed towards sunrise. Mata stayed in place. The girl moves forward and forward, she [after all] is a traveler. It flies and flies. He learns about summer by dew, winter by frost, and autumn by a splash of oars. "Autumn has come," he thinks. About spring - on grown leaves. "Spring has come," he thinks. It's flying forward. She does not know when she left her father, from her mother"]: 202; Chumikan Evenks: Vasilevich 1966, No. 10 (pos. Tugur, Tuguro-Chumikan District, 1936) [epic tale episode: "Umuslikon ran on. [he] was lying on the ground and turned into a silver hawk, flying towards sunrise [the sun]. While flying, he learned about autumn through frost, winter by frost, and summer by dew. This is how it flew over different lands. This upper world is a very big space! I flew, flew, finally flew to the place of merrymaking in the upper world"]: 243; Evens: Lebedeva 1981 (pos. The Arch of the Okhotsk District, 1969) [episode of an epic tale: "We fought for a very long time, winter was recognized by how the edge of the hair was covered with frost, summer was recognized by how the edge of the hair thawed"]: 135-136; 1982 (pos. The Arch of the Okhotsk District, 1969) [epic tale episode: "They fight, they don't count years: seeing snow means winter, snow means summer"]: 110; Captuke, Robbeck 2002 (Oymyakonsky District, 1970s) [epic tale episode: "Irkanmel goes and goes, goes and goes, it took a very long time. He learns about the onset of winter by the frost on his eyelashes, and by the melting of hoarfrost on his eyelashes he learns about the formation of summer"]: 7, 202; Aldan Evenks [Summer by rain/Autumn by hail, /And spring by fluffy snowflakes/ Finding out they kept their way]: Varlamova et al. 2018:61.

SV Asia. Tundra Yukaghirs (Nizhnekolymsky District, 1963) [fairy tale episode: "Here come {orphans}. They go: when hoarfrost covered the edge of the malachai, they said: "Winter has come"; when the frost on the edge of the malachai melted, they said: "Summer has come." We walked and saw: there are two Yukaghir plague ahead"]: Kurilov 2005, No. 10:229; tundra Yukaghirs (Hallerchin tundra, Nizhnekolymsky district) [fairy tale episode: "The guy followed in the footsteps of those girls. It goes, it's coming. When the frost melted from the edge, he said to himself: "Summer has come." When the Malachai land frosty, he said: "Winter has come"]: Gogolev et al. 1975:197; Russian Ustye [episode of the fairy tale: "De, he {Ivan Tsarevich} left her. He doesn't know where he's going. It was walking, it would rain," he says, "summer; it will snow," he says, "winter; and he sees that there is only one yurt"]: Azbelev, Meshchersky 1986, No. 51:196.